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Students challenged by academic struggles 

and learning disabilities?

Problem: Attention Deficit Disorder/Executive Functioning Disorder

Soluton : Empowering Your Students thru Coaching Executive Functioning Skills

Plan of Action :

  1. Executive Functioning Skills Coach Trainers & Associates
  2. Dorothy Raye Still Scott RN
  3.  Jodi Sleeper Triplet Coaching and Training ( 
  4. International Coaching Federation (ICF) (

  5. Professional coach certification for life coaching and executive coaching


This groundbreaking book offers a comprehensive theory of executive functioning (EF) with important clinical implications. He describes how abilities such as emotion regulation, self-motivation, planning, and working memory enable people to pursue both personal and collective goals that are critical to survival. 

The latest research in child development shows that many kids who have the brain and heart to succeed lack or lag behind in crucial "executive skills" the fundamental habits of mind required for getting organized, staying focused, and controlling impulses and emotions. Learn easy-to-follow steps to identify your child's strengths & weaknesses.

The Executive Functioning Workbook provides easy to follow, hands-on guidance and support to help students organize, plan, and follow through on tasks. The step-by-step worksheets and checklists designed by educational experts Melissa Mullin Ph.D. and Karen Fried PsyD MFT are the results of over 20 years of helping students.

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